I'm not a big reader. I enjoy reading but I rarely have or make time for it, but a few months ago, my dear friend Gheorghe sent me a copy of Jim Palmer's book Divine Nobodies. On the plane ride there and back (via Chicago), I read the entire book. I couldn't put it down.

I identified with *some* of Jim's story, including his overactive and personally destructive drive to achieve and church getting in the way of knowing God. His book focuses on how God has used regular people to reach him. I wept at parts and was warmed by the truth of a God who loves us despite ourselves. Anyway, its a big recommendation on my list.
Thanks to Jim for writing it and to Gheorghe for being such a good friend - the kind that knows you well enough to help and talks to God enough to know what He thinks about it.
In case you're interested, you can buy the book here
Cheers - cause I'm so British,