It's been a rainy day in Central PA, and thanks to the magic of generation 1 U2 iPod and the random feature on my VW Golf stereo, I found Tom Waits' Mule Variations. I normally hate days like this - rainy and gloomy - and I wouldn't normally be so transfixed by an album like this one, but today they just fit together in a way that was just a little bit special in an otherwise very usual day. That's one of the great things about carrying your music library in a wallet-sized device - you get to remember that you have music you forgot you love.
Many props to Bryce Flurie who turned me on to Waits and to Dale Brantner who let me burn the album 5+ years ago.
So if you find someone
Someone to have, someone to hold
Don't trade it for silver
Don't trade it for gold
I have all of life's treasures
And they are fine and they are good
They remind me that houses
Are just made of wood
What makes a house grand
Ain't the roof or the doors
If there's love in a house
It's a palace for sure
Without love...
It ain't nothin but a house
A house where nobody lives
- from "The House Where Nobody Lives", Mule Variations, Tom Waits
Cheers - cause I'm so British,