Sidenote: My Dad (cc'd on the email) commented back what wonderful friends I have. I couldn't agree more. Thank you for being a part of my/our life. Truly
In the meantime, cheers to parades and taking kids to parades. In celebration of George's visit and Kyle and Dawn's buying a house in Dillsburg, we all hung out this weekend. It was a weekend of too much food (Joel needs to get to his post-Thanksgiving diet soon) and good times with friends.
Here's Kyle, George, and I with the kids at the Harrisburg Holiday Parade on Saturday.

Cheers - cause I'm so British,
1 comment:
Firstly, I am not actually in any of the pictures - successfully maintaining my all0important anonymity.
Secondly, cheers to taking decent enough pictures with my phone to post them for public display!
tenderly I remain,
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